Snow Information - 09/03/2023

Snow Information - 09/03/2023

Posted: 09/03/2023

Bromsgrove operates as a Boarding School. However bad the weather, the School will operate in as normal a way as possible. At no stage will the School be closed or the pupils be sent home en masse.

If the weather conditions indicate that journeys home might be hazardous, the School may advise individual pupils with long journeys to contact their parents to discuss early departure. Parents are also welcome to make requests for early departure direct to Houseparents who have been asked to scrutinise requests closely to prevent wholesale disruption of the School Programme.

Day pupils should attend/remain at School as long as this is felt to be sensible by parents. We rely on parents making sensible requests and decisions based on their knowledge of their own local weather and road conditions.



Bromsgrove School is a co-educational, independent school.

General Enquiries email:

Admissions enquiries email:


Bromsgrove School, Worcester Road,
Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B61 7DU.


01527 579679

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